By Ahmed Wafi Rashid
Welcome to IIUM’s Department of Communication!
The Department of Communication (or more commonly known as Comm Department) is a branch of IIUM’s biggest faculty, the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. Communication falls under Human Sciences and consists of different specialisation courses such as Journalism, Public Relations, Organisational Communication and Electronic Media.
Undergraduate students will be given the freedom to choose from those four areas of specialisation. Typically, it will take a student eight semesters (four years) to complete their study and graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Sciences (Communication).
Apart from daily classes, Communication students in IIUM are also exposed to various activities and events that are likely to help them in their classes and to acquire useful skills for their future.
IIUMToday and are two of the more famous names that you might have heard around campus. IIUMToday is IIUM’s official online news website that publishes news about events surrounding the campus, daily written by Communication students, and also news of general interest for the general public to keep abreast of development. IIUMToday happily accepts contributions from other students. It brings you the news from around the campus by IIUM for IIUM. is the official campus radio that brings you news, music, entertainment and interviews from within the campus. The radio broadcasts are hosted by IIUM students and have lured a number of guests from different professions from Malaysia and abroad since it was established in 2010. Recently, managed to get a former international popstar and a renowned Muslimah fashion designer Mizz Nina to sit down and conduct an interview with DJ Naddy K. The interview was tuned in by listeners from around campus as well as receiving a number of hits from outside of IIUM.
So really, what is it like being a Communication student? Basically, it can go two ways. Your experience as an IIUM communication student can either be a boring and stressful one or an exciting and fun one (a stress-free student life is virtually impossible but your choice can help ease the stress) depending on your choice. Joining any one of those activities will almost guarantee you a good time but of course, you can’t have a good time if you don’t want to. The choice is really yours!
Here in the Department of Communication, we want you to help make this department as wide and as jolly as possible and your presence will definitely be a factor in the blossoming of our department.
Once again, the IIUMToday news team and the Department of Communication congratulate and welcome all new intake Communication students and hope you have a wonderful stay!