It’s free lunch for all at Ummatic fest

By Suraya Usamah

GOMBAK, 27 November 2014: Ummatic Feast was held at the Business Square, IIUM, where free food from various countries was provided for all IIUM students and staff. Organised under the Global Ummatic Festival (GUF) 2014, the feast started at 12.30pm. and ended when all the food was over which was around 2.00p.m.

Every year, Ummatic feast attracts more IIUM students, who are eager to get their free lunch and not just any normal lunch, but from different cuisines; Malaysian, Arab and Indian.

The committees of GUF began setting up the stalls as early as 11.30a.m, seating places were as well prepared for the students. Subsequently, the food arrived and was prepared and set separately for sisters and brothers.

Students showed up as soon as it was time for serving, and by lunch hour the crowd began to increase more and more.

Various types of food were served such as the famous Malaysian dishes nasi lemak, perut lembu and daging bakar. Other international dishes were also available like mundi, beef kebab and biryani chicken.

œThis is my favourite part of Ummatic, because we get free food and the spirit of brotherhood and friendship is awesome here,said Mushira Arshad, one of the students who came to grab her free lunch.

She added, œIt’s really nice to see everyone queuing up here, even the Daya Bersih workers with smiles on their faces, this is really a good way of giving back to the ummah.***

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