Kamar Karma, a neutralism psychotic theatre, staged at DBP

By Quraibah Razak

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 November 2014: Kamar Karma, a play published by Film and Creative Production Club, was recently staged for two days (24 until 25 November) at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and attracted good response from the audiences from both within and outside IIUM. Malaysian famous actor, Fauzi Nawawi, who acted in the play was actually a crowd puller.

This is the fourth time International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) was given the opportunity to stage the students piece outside the campus. The first time was in March 2012. This time the play was attended by the Director of CITRA, IIUM, Dr. Mahadi J. Murad.

Kamar Karma was written and directed by Rowin Ibrahim, an aerospace engineer and a graduate of IIUM. The play exposed social issues which centred on the life of three people with different backgrounds.

It was based on the theme ‘sin is not the end’. Three main social problems were emphasised: women exploitation, pedophilia and human trafficking. The story was told on the basis on increased statistics of criminal cases in Malaysia.

Rowin said he chose to stage the theatre on a larger scale which is outside the university environment because he wanted to deliver his deep message on social issues and to keep reminding people of crimes around as people were naturally forgetful.

One of the audiences who attended the play said the story was quite heavy but the message was successfully delivered.

Meanwhile, Rowin hoped that the audience would understand the message the play was trying to communicate to them. ***

Photos by Wan Eizzul

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