KIRKHS presents night of enlightenment

Photo: Students enjoying their BBQ Dinner at HS Square

By Ahmad Wafi Rashid

The night of enlightenment that took place on 30 October was the third of the four events of IRKHS Festival 2014 which proved to be successful.

The hajat prayers took place at Human Sciences seminar room while the dinner was held at HS square.

The event was organised by the IRKHS committee and was attended by Muhamad Karimi Sulaiman, a fourth year psychology student who is also the President of the IRKHS Students Society, Wan Ahmad Khairi, fourth year mass communications student who holds the position of chairperson in the Students Representative Committees (SRC) welfare division and IIUM Todays very own Shazni Ong.

Apart from the guests mentioned above, a crowd of about fifteen students attended the prayers and brief talks but there was a much larger crowd during dinner.

The nights proceedings began with the Maghrib prayers followed by the hajat prayers. Later, brother Majid of the Political Science department gave a little speech about brotherhood, teamwork and sincerity in performing deeds.

The talk was followed by another one delivered by Khairi who spoke on the difficulties he faced during his time as chairperson of the SRCs Welfare department, his job scope for all those interested in succeeding him, SRCs desperate endeavor to provide the best service to the IIUM students and current issues among the IIUM students.

After the short enlightenment, the committee and attendees proceeded with the Isya prayers followed by the dinner. Fried rice and barbeque chicken was on the menu for the night.

Khairi answered some of the questions from the students.  He told the students about how the annual SRC elections are nearing and how they should vote for who they want to be in charge of the different departments found in the SRC based on the given candidates. He also urged all students to be very careful when voting and not to vote based on popularity but based on their ability to carry out the task at hand.

We also managed to catch up with Brother Karimi, President of the IRKHS Students Society and also one of the masterminds behind this years festival. He expressed his excitement at conducting the event and explained how this was the first year all eight departments from the Kulliyah of Human Sciences have joined forces in order to make this event possible.

He later went on to say that this event was to create a sense of unity among all students of IRKHS. The low attendance on the night did disappoint him but he showed prudence when asked about the upcoming events. He played down any big expectations from the Kulliyah but told us to expect more from them next year and hopefully any mistakes made this year will be corrected next year.

All in all, despite the shortcomings, this was a successful night and you can expect much improvement in the next IRKHS festival!***

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