IIUM graduates urged to take dynamic roles in the current world

By Syafiah Sakirin

GOMBAK, 6 December 2022: Graduates have been urged to undertake dynamic roles as members of the local and global citizens who can offer solutions to current situations. 

The advice came from the Honourable Dato Sri Dr. Syed Hussein Abd Kadir Al Habshee, a member of the IIUM Board of Governors during his speech at the fifth session of the 38th Convocation of IIUM yesterday (5 December)

He explained that the world is influenced and determined by the virtual space as many people start to live and inhabit the social media world.

“Despite the technological advancements offering many solutions to the modern world, it is also true that this so-called new world has caused destruction,” he explained.

He added that leaders are dethroned, riots are sparked by a simple message on Facebook, terrorists build networking across the country, loss of lives, and many more.

œAs graduates of Communication and English Language and Literature, you must demonstrate how to communicate with values instead of using offensive remarks both in the real world and virtually.”

He stated that many people claim to have freedom of speech and expression, yet very few take responsibility for what they say and express.

He further called on graduates from History and Civilization to be able to lead a new world in creating a better human civilization instead of reminiscing about the glory of the past.

Meanwhile, Political Science graduates were told to lead the way to replace the corrupted political ecosystem that drives the society, nation, and the world.

œThose who specialise in Sociology and Anthropology should take the lead in offering solutions to many human problems from social, economic, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being, he added.

Further to this, he expressed his hope to the graduates of Psychology to offer advice and give new narratives on how religion should be observed and function in improving human lives. 

œBe the proud alumni of IIUM who take pride in carrying out the mission of serving the ummah, spreading kindness, and bringing Rahmatan Lil-Alamin, he emphasised.

Dato Sri Dr. Syed Hussein shared his gratitude to the parents and family members who have sacrificed everything they can for the graduands to become who they are today.

He reminded the graduands in his concluding remark to repay the favour of both parents by praying to God for their forgiveness in the world and hereafter.***

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