“Studying at IIUM was the biggest blessing from Allah,” Amirah Syuhada

By Syafiah Sakirin

GOMBAK, 7 December 2022: “Studying at the IIUM was the biggest blessing in the journey of acquiring knowledge,” said Amirah Syuhada bt Shahruddin, the recipient of the Best Student in Academic award from the AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS). 

Amirah Syuhada who majored in History and Civilization uttered the words in her valedictorian speech representing the graduates of AHAS KIRKHS in the 5th session of the 38th IIUM Convocation on Monday (5 December).

œI can still remember how we walked in line together from our Mahallah to this hall, from our Taaruf Week and now here we are, holding our precious degree scrolls,” Amirah illustrated.

She believed that the convocation ceremony will be one of the happiest days of the life of all graduates as they celebrate their success after completing their studies.

She insisted that all the challenges the graduates faced during their studies have made them stronger and more resilient for the future.

œBe proud as the scroll is proof of all of the sacrifices, moments of happiness, sleepless nights in finishing assignments, the battles when pre-registering, online and hybrid classes during the pandemic that are finally paid off, she added.

She reminded the graduates never to forget and be grateful for the support given by their family members, friends, and lecturers who have always sacrificed and supported them throughout their journey at the IIUM.

œI dedicate my awards to my father who worked multiple jobs to give my siblings and me proper education, shared Amirah.

œMy fellow friends, pat yourselves on your shoulder, be thankful to Allah, and put on your best smile for all of your hard work has been paid off today, she concluded. ***

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