Unveiling Quranic messages on happiness and hardships

By Mohammad Danial Jeffri Amran and Ariani Mohd Nor

GOMBAK, 16 September 2020: The third instalment of the Tafseer Series Project by the Quranic Youth Club will take place tomorrow (17 September) from 8.50 p.m. to 10.15 p.m.

Featuring Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akmal Khuzairy from the Centre of Islamisation IIUM, this session aims to discuss one of the themes of Surah Ash-Sharh, œHappiness Comes After Hardships.

The session will mark the third of the Tafseer Series Project, an interactive platform to explore and discover the Holy Quran as the Divine Message. Those interested in watching the previous sessions may visit Quranic Youth Clubs Instagram IGTV, at @qyciium.

For tomorrows session, participants may access the event on Google Meet with this link https://meet.google.com/unk-bzeb-sue.

All sessions are conducted in Malay. For inquiries, please contact Quranic Youth Club through their Instagram, Twitter (@qyciium) and Facebook (Quranic Youth Club “ QYC IIUM).***

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