Your degree does not necessarily define you, says Sophia Ang

By Muhammad Faiz

GOMBAK, 15 April 2017: A degree does not dictate you in choosing your career later on in your life, a panelist from Maybank, Sophia Ang told a career session on HS Career Day 2017 in Experimental Hall yesterday.

As someone who is working in Maybank, she does not have the educational background from banking and finance and that does not negate her in choosing a career. Interesting enough, an article was published on the same topic in New Straits Times on 12 April.

Another panelist from Aegis, Ivy Ang stated, in workplace nowadays graduates need to have the agility and the ability to adapt to the surroundings.

“The passion, communication skills, empathy, interpersonal skills to make it relatable, and attentiveness are the five most sought after attributes by employees. Besides that, they need to be confident,” Sophia Ang told the audiences.

After the session ended, Maybank took over the session for their Maybank Go Ahead Challenge. It was an intensive challenge for them to find right additions for their organisation.

Asked about the significance behind the choosing of companies and organisations, the programme manager, Nadiah ‘Afifah said that they tried to invite many companies in different sectors and the two companies had agreed to come. It is also a known fact that the two organisations have a lot to offer.

“My hope is that all KIRKHS students can gain a lot of information from the event especially regarding career path as a number of us are still not sure of future career. So, I hope many will get a clear explanation and will be able to cross the path to other fields in our career,” she told IIUMToday.

The event was held in conjunction with POSSCA Week, a collaboration between the Secretariat of Political Science Students (POSSA) and Sociology and Anthropology Students’ Association (SOCASA). ***

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