By Raja Umi Nurshahirah Raja Izzuddin
GOMBAK, 10 December 2016: The International Seminar on Islamic Advertising 2016 (ISIA2016) was held last Thursday (8 December) with the aim to create awareness among young entrepreneurs on the need to Islamise the advertising industry.
Conducted by students from COMM 3540: Advertising Principles and Practices and COMM 6320: Marketing Communication classes, the seminar was sponsored by the Aidiijuma, Tabung Haji, Felda Wellness, Bank Islam, Seamaster and Andalusia.
The one-day seminar was held from 8.00 a.m until 5.00 p.m at three separate venues – HS Seminar Room A, Mini Auditorium and Instructional Lab. The opening ceremony was held at Mini Auditorium and the event was officiated by the Dean of Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, Prof. Dr. Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman. Earlier on, advertising lecturer, Dr. Aida Mokhtar, who is also the advisor of ISIA2016, delivered her opening remarks.
The first keynote address was presented by a senior academic from the Department of Communication, Prof. Dato Dr. Syed Arabi Idid, which was later followed by the address by Senior Academic Fellow, International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), USA, who is also the CEO of Universal Crescent Standard Centre Malaysia, Haji Shayaa Othman.
The seminar discussion was continued at the three separate locations with presentations given by outstanding speakers from both outside IIUM as well as speakers from IIUM itself.***