Hafizuddin suffering from glaucoma gets Special Achievement award

By Awwabin Zainuddin

GOMBAK, 5 November 2016: The Abdullah Ibnu Ummi Maktum Special Achievement Award was this year given to Mohamad Hafizzudin Mohd Fedeli from the Kulliyyah of Sciences at the 32nd IIUM convocation ceremony.

This special award is based on academic performance for disabled students. Hafizzudin is suffering with glaucoma which was diagnosed at the age of 16 after it was found that he was allergic to steroid eye drop.

Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the peripheral vision and will get worse over time. The condition was said to have no cure. However, medicine will be given to ease eyes’ pressure.

According to Hafizzudin, his only problem is that he is not able to have his own driving license because of the poor eye sight.

Despite having the disability to see clearer, Hafizzudin managed to earn a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology. As a member of Phyto-science Club he managed his time by juggling both co-curriculum and academic affairs.

“Do your best!” said Hafizzudin. He believed that as long that “we have our ‘aqal we don’t get to have an excuse for not doing our best”.

He is now pursuing his master’s degree in plant biotechnology in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was offered to do fast track for a Doctor of Philosophy but it needs to be reconsidered as the fast track will not qualify him to get a scholarship. ***

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