Ways of getting enough sleep

Siti Qistina Ahmad Kamal

As human beings, sleeping is our body’s natural way of ‘cooling down’ and ‘charging’ one’s energy back up. It is during this natural process that our body gets enough rest and repairs any damaged cells after facing the pressures of the day. That is why we always feel refreshed and energised after waking up. But the quality rather than quantity is what matters when it comes to sleeping. By having five hours quality sleep time is much better than having an inconsistent and interrupted sleeping pattern even though we sleep all day long.

Here are some of the ways to get some quality sleeping hours:

First of all is by adjusting our body clock to stick to a sleep schedule. By having a consistent sleep-wake cycle would help to set your body’s internal clock and ensures better quality of sleep.

Secondly, get ourselves in a comfortable setting that is ideal for sleeping. This means that our room should be dark, cool and quiet prior to sleeping. The mattress and pillows also contribute towards better quality sleep. Therefore, choosing those that are most comfortable to you is most essential.

Besides that, limit your day time naps. Napping during the day is a good way of recharging one’s body but this should be limited to around 10 to 20 minutes of afternoon nap. It may cause difficulty of sleeping at night if done more than the recommended time during the day.

Finally, include physical activities in your daily routine. By introducing regular physical activities during the day would help us to fall asleep faster, enjoy deeper sleep and thus ensures better quality sleep.***

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