The Fit Challenge way to stay healthy

By Jahirah Jalal Abidin

GOMBAK, 12 May 2015: Have you wondered how to be healthy and fit ? IIUM 24 Fit Challenge is the answer. The  workout sessions aim at all IIUM students who are keen to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main idea of this programme is to promote the benefit of combining 80% of nutrition and 20% of exercise to achieve a desirable result at the end the session.

So far, 30 participants had joined two sessions since April this year. The next workout session will be conducted separately for brothers and sisters. During the duration of the session, the workout will comprise several methods and styles such as high intensity workout, strength workout, and hiking and morning jog. By the end of  each workout session, participants will be given a post-workout meal of high protein for muscle recovery. The workout session will be held every Monday and Wednesday at 8 p.m and on Friday at 7 a.m. The venue will be at the IIUM Female Sports Complex.

All participant are being trained by qualified in house coaches namely, Sakinah Ridzuan, Alyaa Zulkaffli, Azyan Kamarudin, Nadiah Mahamood, Atikah Ahmad, Nahdia Yaya, Zulnaim Baharom, Taufiq, Ahmed Halulu and Aina Nadirah. IIUM 24 Fit Challenge is open to all IIUM community notwithstanding gender, age  and fitness level. On top of that, at the end of the sessions there will be amazing prizes awaits all the participants.

Finally, the IIUM 24 Fits Challenge helps to stimulate all individuals to be positive and motivated to perform a healthy lifestyle.

The next session will be conducted after the Eid celebration.

For more information,  do checkout the social media tags on Facebook page at IIUM 24 CHALLENGE and Instagram at #iium24fitchallenge.***

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