“Sincerely, Me”: A Letter to Myself

By Syahirah Nawawi

GOMBAK, 5 September 2021: ClairVoyance IIUM has come again to search for creative students of IIUM to submit their work for the upcoming 8th annual zine entitled ˜A Letter to Myself.

The concept of this zine is “What would we tell our past or future selves if we get to meet or send them a letter? You may write a letter of comfort, encouragement, and maybe nostalgia which can make the recipient’s day better. 

In life, some people learn something in a certain way. Maybe through your letter, it can help other people feel that they are not alone in this journey of life. 

Here are some heads up for you if you are facing writers block.

  • If you found yourself in a better place now, what would you say to your past self?
  • If you found yourself struggling right now, what would you tell yourself to encourage and comfort you?

Not to forget, the submission can be in the form of a letter, poetry, or photography too. Good luck and have fun writing it.

The guidelines of the submission are as follow:

The guidelines of submission
Here is a sample of the email

For any inquiries and latest updates, readers may refer to ClairVoyance IIUMs social media:

Email: clairvoyanceiium@gmail.com
Instagram: @clairvoyanceiium
Twitter: @ClairVoyanceIIUM***

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