By Hidayah Sahrunizam
GOMBAK, 16 July 2021: IIUM Council of Principals (COPS) has successfully distributed around 500 œBakul Kasih consisting of dry foods, fruits, and essential things such as panadol soluble, on Friday (16 July 2021).
The œBakul Kasih programme is a response to the issue of COVID-19, and an attempt to help students who are affected by COVID-19 cases as well as students who are under quarantine in IIUM.
The Principal of Mahallah Asma, who is the representative of COPS, Madam Roslimna Mohmmed Saad, said that the distribution of œBakul Kasih has been handed out to the affected students this week, by Office of Security Management (OSEM) to guarantee the protocol of movement order in IIUM is followed.
Madam Roslimna Mohmmed Saad thanked the Deputy Rector of Student Development and Community Engagement of IIUM, Dr. Zulkifli Hasan, the Director of Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD), Madam Hafsah Muhd Yusuf, Mahallah Representative Coordination Council (MRCC), and the owner of Kiosk of Mahallah al-Faruq, Haji Hisham for the strong support and sponsoring the œbakul kasih.
In addition to that, COPS has planned to create a fund called ˜Tabung Kasih which aims to continue their efforts in helping students who are in need of help and those affected by COVID-19.
œThe attempt was planned to ensure that the students will not feel alone, especially in times of COVID-19, and remember we (the Principals of Mahallah) will always help them and be there for them, Madam Roslimna Mohmmed Saad added.
Aside from that, The Chief Mahallah Principal, Dr. Ahmad Zahirani Ahmad Azhar, said that apart from the œBakul Kasih distribution programme, IIUM also provides support in terms of motivation and spirituality to the students who are in need of mental support.
“Almost every night there will be a counseling session for the students involved. We may not be able to be physically with these students but we still try our best to provide them with emotional support, he told IIUMToday.
Taking place at Mahallah Maryam, the programme was attended by several Mahallah principals including Principal of Mahallah Asma, Madam Roslimna Mohmmed Saad, Principal of Mahallah Salahuddin, Dr. Noor Hasrul Nizan Mohd Noor, Principal of Mahallah Safiyyah, Madam Nor Hasni Yaakob, Principal of Mahallah Hafsah, Dr. Salmiah Ahmad, Principal of Mahallah Halimatus Sadiah, Dr. Nan Noorhidayu Megat Laksana, Principal of Mahallah Ali, Dr. Ahmad Zahirani Ahmad Azhar, Principal of Mahallah Maryam, Madam M.Mascitah Mansor, and Principal of Mahallah Aminah, Dr. Noor Azizah Muhammad Ali.
The mahallah Principals have advised the students to adhere to the guideline of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure everyone stay safe inside of IIUM.***