By Khairun Nizam Hosen
Being able to speak in front of a crowd is a skill that may be seen as a trivial matter for some people. Nevertheless it is an ability that is very important. Everyday we are involved in social interactions, be it with friends, lecturers and in situations such as presentations and works that require involving groups of people.
Public speaking inculcates confidence among other things, an ability that boosts one morale towards success. While not undermining other attributes that one may possess, it is an undeniable fact that public speaking ranks near to the top in living your life, and there are a lot of reasons for it.
First we will discuss how public speaking brings benefits to people. One of the main affects that come as a result of constant engaging in public speaking is confidence. Being able to speak out your mind on a topic needs courage, and when you have managed to pull off speaking in public about your ideas and such it shows that you are now confident with yourself.
Next speaking itself is a form of art that requires the speaker to produce words that have power, persuasion and assurance. Created with intonation, rhythm and sound devices, a good speaker will be able to astound the audience and create a situation that demands attention. There are various advantages of mastering the art of public speaking that will surely and inevitably bring benefit to a person.
The main attribute of a leader is his way of persuading people to follow his commands. Having said about that, someone who does not have the ability in public speaking would definitely not be able to convey his or her messages in a way that would be understood or persuasive to the audience. This is where the skill of public speaking comes in sight the most, in the hands of a leader.
Giving inspirational talk is also part of public speaking and we can see that world leaders such as the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, and our beloved former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, both of them have very high confidence and the way they deliver their speech is phenomenal, which makes them able to win the hearts and minds of their people.
Future leaders in any area be it in schools, universities or the outside world, should take public speaking into account as a forte that will help them pave their way into becoming better leaders in their respective fields.***