Students to cast their votes at SRC elections, 20 November

By Nanauzir

GOMBAK, 19 November 2014: Come 20 November (Tomorrow), IIUM students would go to the polls to elect their representatives to the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) for the 2014/2015 session.  Casting of votes for 23 seats contested for all Kulliyyah will be held between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm.

The election process gives the opportunity for students to exercise their democratic rights to choose their representatives who will speak and act on their behalf. Voting eligibility will be checked during the electoral register compiled by the University. For this purpose, a voter must prove his or her identity with a student card or an identity card with  a photo and a matric card number.

According to Chairman of Election Commission (Gombak Campus) SRC 2014/2015, Dr. Noor Azlan Mohd Noor, students who cast their votes will be rewarded with two star points and  35% off for any goods purchased at the IIUM Bookstores.

Photo taken from Corus Radio

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