Healthy Lifestyle Practices for Global Well-being

By, Ahmad Farid bin Md. Reduan

A healthy lifestyle refers to daily habits that shape an individual’s physical and mental health states. This lifestyle should be an integral part of human life, regardless of age. However, in recent times, healthy living has become less of a priority, especially among millennials. This is exacerbated by the influence of social media, whose algorithms often promote unhealthy  lifestyles such as excessive consumption, sugary drinks, and unproductive habits. While some  may view these as mere trends, they significantly impact our lives. Therefore, proactive measures must be taken to prevent the spread of unhealthy habits. 

  • Create a productive morning environment 

Actually, practicing a healthy lifestyle is quite easy. However, it requires high discipline because we are fighting against our desires to be comfortable with temporary pleasures that are  easier to achieve. The easiest healthy lifestyle habit to implement is waking up early. Not just waking up, but filling it with activities that increase daily productivity. Activities here are not  limited to sports, activities such as cleaning the house and washing clothes are also categorized  as activities that increase daily productivity because they require movement for us to complete  tasks. Although starting activities in the morning seems like a small effort, the impact on  teenagers’ lives is enormous. Among them, waking up early makes people more energetic, helps  improve concentration and boosts mental health. Therefore, it is very important for teenagers  to prioritize starting the day with movements that increase self-productivity.” 

Regular Exercise 

The foundation of a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise. Exercise can take many forms, from  team sports like soccer, badminton, and tennis, to individual activities like brisk walking and  Zumba. These exercises are easy to do and can be done individually. The time required for these activities is also not too long and depends on each individual’s free time. In short, there  is no excuse for not exercising because it is based on our own desire, where we ourselves  determine whether we want a healthy lifestyle or not. Therefore, regular exercise is very  important to practice in life to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Practice a balanced diet 

A healthy lifestyle is not limited to our daily activities; it also depends on our daily eating habits  and routines. This is because the food and drinks we consume shape our physical appearance.  Admittedly, some of us have high metabolic rates, where they don’t need to control their diet  because it doesn’t affect their Body Mass Index (BMI). However, it is important to note that our internal organs may be at risk of various diseases like diabetes and hypertension without us realizing it. Therefore, every food and drink we consume should be in moderation. The solution  to this dietary control issue has actually been introduced by the Malaysian Ministry of Health  through the ‘quarter plate’ initiative, representing one-quarter carbohydrates, one-quarter  protein, and one-half vegetables. Campaigns like this are followed because they benefit us  greatly compared to the culture shown by today’s influencers, such as eating a whole plate of nasi kandar, drinking sugary drinks from various vendors, and so on.” 

Sufficient Sleep 

Sufficient sleep is also one of the healthy lifestyle practices that we need to pay attention to.  This is because while we sleep, our brain replenishes energy and strengthens the brain’s nervous  system. In simpler terms, sleep is a rest time that allows us to feel refreshed for the next day’s  activities. However, some people in our society still fail to understand the importance of  sufficient sleep. They spend their nights with gadgets, video games, and some even spend their  nights hanging out outside. This disrupts the melatonin hormone that regulates our daily sleep  cycle. With insufficient sleep, we will become lethargic, easily drowsy, and lose focus for the  next day’s activities. Therefore, it is very important for us to maintain our sleep schedule so  that it does not harm our daily lives. 

A healthy lifestyle is not only important for physical well-being, but also has a  significant impact on our mental and emotional health. By practicing a balanced diet, exercising  regularly, and maintaining mental health, we can improve our quality of life and prevent various  diseases. Although this change may take time, consistent small steps can lead to significant  results in the long run. Therefore, let us together make a healthy lifestyle a daily practice for  the well-being of ourselves and our families.***